An experienced businessman
Andy serves as the Chairman of the Australia National Chinese Business Forum and has held senior advisory roles in both state and federal governments.
As a senior executive at Phoenix Restaurants Group, a renowned family enterprise, Andy brings extensive expertise in entrepreneurship and business development.

Commitment to community
As the child of an immigrant family, Andy has had a lifelong commitment to serving the local community, including earning a National Medal in Table Tennis for NSW.
His accomplishments have earned him the Melvin Jones Fellowship from Lions Club International.
Andy is also well-known for his interview program, Andy One On One, where he has hosted prominent community figures, including former Prime Ministers.

Strong values
Andy is a passionate advocate for everyday Australians. He is determined to stand up against the establishment to ensure that policies serve the people, not politics.
Committed to addressing cost-of-living challenges, Andy aims to strengthen trade and investment, lower taxes, and promote business and free enterprise.
He will champion policies to empower young Australians through education, support sustainable energy initiatives, and advance infrastructure development to benefit the Bradfield community.
Business & Free Enterprise
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Governments must help enable free enterprise, not stifle it.
Family is the foundation of a strong society. Policy makers must empower families with the tools they need to grow and develop.
Quality Education
Only a quality education system will help empower Australians to take advantage of the once in a generation opportunities driven by the technology and AI booms.
As a graduate of Trinity Grammar School's International Baccalaureate program, Andy earned admission to a combined Law and Commerce degree at University of New South Wales.
He completed a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration at Monash University, and is currently pursuing his MBA at the world renewed Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of New South Wales .

A Local migrant story
Andy’s journey is a classic tale of an Australian immigrant child: repaying parental sacrifice with hard work, giving back in service to a community which has afforded him so much and being emboldened with an energy that is youthful but tempered by experiences usually reserved for years beyond his age.
As the son of hard-working immigrant parents, Andy spent much of his childhood as a taxi boy assisting with the newly established family business – collecting mail for Mum from the Five Dock post office and greeting drivers for Dad at the local petrol station in Ashfield during shift changeovers.
Like many immigrant Australians, Andy encountered racism from an early age on the bus, in the playground, and even in the press. In such a challenging environment, Andy forged his Asian-Australian identity by championing core Liberal Values of family, being a self-starter in business and one’s personal development, and safeguarding individual liberty in thought and expression.