
Born and raised in Willoughby, with a family history in the area going back five generations, Tim’s not just another politician. He’s a local, a community advocate, and a man who knows what it means to lead by example. From the bustling streets of Chatswood to the upcoming educational hubs, he’s dedicated to making Willoughby not just good, but the best. The very best!


Policy and Promise: A Mix that Works


Remember Paul Keating? That’s when Tim’s political journey began. What drew him in? A desire to make the country more competitive, to lower taxation, and to drive growth and opportunity. A member since ’93, Tim’s focus isn’t just on grand speeches but real action. Two new schools in the area? They’re happening. Investing in Chatswood Public and Chatswood High? That’s on the cards too.


Chatswood: A Place Close to the Heart


Chatswood isn’t just a name on a map for Tim. It’s home, it’s history, and it’s vibrancy personified. Hosting the premier of New South Wales for Chinese New Year, celebrating the culture, the colours, and the community, Tim’s connection with the place runs deep. The future of transport, culture, and recreation in Chatswood? They’re in capable hands.


Tackling Tunnels and Leading Large Projects


Big projects like the Western Harbour Tunnel and the Beaches Link Tunnel might be a challenge, but not for Tim. Advocating for the community, ensuring no lowering of standards, and committing to genuine consultation is all in a day’s work for him. And that’s what we need, someone who doesn’t shy away from responsibility but embraces it.


Wrapping Up: A Politician with Character and Values


Tim James isn’t just a member of parliament. He’s a neighbour, a friend, and a leader with a vision that resonates. In his own words, “life is a journey, and we’re always learning.” Here’s looking forward to Tim continuing to learn, lead, and let Willoughby shine.

By Andy Yin